Klub Miłosników Piwa i Ping-Pong'a.
Beer and Ping-Pong Lovers Club (P&PP@PC).
The idea of meetings over a good draft beer was born during an ordinary Sunday lunch among 'older youth'. He was very favorably received by the then management. Mrs. President even offered her job as a barmaid and a supplier, and the rest was taken care of by Polish beer gourmets. And that was the beginning - August 2021!!!
From August 2021, our meetings over draft beer with the opportunity to play ping-pong, billiards, cards are held continuously every other Friday.
During these meetings the kitchen of the Polish Center makes every effort to make it possible to buy Polish snacks.
Often the club also receives various donations, so sometimes free snacks are served - thank you to the sponsors.
We invite you to join us - registration is accepted during club meetings.
A few words from the history of the P&PP@PC club:
The first meetings were held in the bar room, but the 'older youth' was looking for moderate activity and that's why we decided to move the meetings to the Alfons Krolikowski room (the so-called Red Room of the Polish Centre). Due to the possibility of using the ping-pong table and billiards. It was also possible (and still is) to use a giant projector on which Polish films were played during meetings ... but ping-pong won out. From one ping-pong table, the number of tables increased to 3 and sometimes it's not enough.
As a P&PP@PC club, we have had a ping-pong tournament (which took place on April 1, 2023).
But many ideas for further activities of the club and its PC activities are still waiting to be implemented ... that's why they join us!!!
Club founder:
Tomasz Urban
Kilka slów z historii klubu P&PP@PC:
Pierwsze spotkania odbywały sie w sali barowej, jednak 'starsza mlodziez' poszukiwała również aktywności fizycznej i dlatego zdecydowaliśmy się przenieść nasze spotkania do sali im. Alfonsa
Krolikowskiego (tzw. 'Sali Czerwonej' Polskiego Centrum) ze względu na możliwosc używania stołu ping-pongowego oraz bilardowego. Była też możliwość (i nadal jest) skorzystania z
rzutnika na którym podczas spotkań były odtwarzane polskie filmy ... jednak ping-pong zwycieżyl. Z jednego stołu ping-pongowego liczba stołów wzrosla do 3-ch, a czasami i to jest
zbyt malo. Jako klub P&PP@PC mamy już za sobą turnej rozgrywek tenisa stołowego (który odbył sie 1 kwietnia 2023 roku) a zaplanowany jest już kolejny taki turniej (16 marzec 2024).
Ale wiele pomysłów na dalsze działania klubu i jego aktywności przy PC wciąż czekają na realizacje ... dlatego dołącz do nas !!!
Założyciel Klubu P&PP@PC
Tomasz Urban